
type_100 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2111件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
Innocent Azure MXM 18 6792 -33 99.52%
†:OLPHEUX:† EXH 17 5452 -33 99.4%
Bolérrot EXH 15 4375 -33 99.25%
MeteorA EXH 16 5462 -33 99.4%
EXH 16 4234 -33 99.23%
FlowerNation MXM 16 6250 -33 99.47%
ブチ上げ候!現代忍者三姉妹 MXM 17 5687 -33 99.42%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- EXH 16 6227 -33 99.47%
Victim of Nights MXM 18 6455 -33 99.49%
New Leaf MXM 18 6877 -33 99.52%
VOLTEXES IV MXM 17 5139 -33 99.36%
Fly far bounce MXM 17 4722 -33 99.31%
Carry Me Away MXM 17 5843 -33 99.44%
裏表ラバーズ MXM 16 5494 -33 99.4%
EDEN of TRUTH MXM 17 5628 -33 99.42%
オトゲラヴ! MXM 16 5413 -33 99.39%
Celestial stinger EXH 16 4762 -33 99.31%
CENSORED!! EXH 17 5807 -33 99.43%
断罪は遍く人間の元に EXH 17 5156 -33 99.36%
Backflow EXH 17 4823 -33 99.32%
Pet Peeve EXH 17 4119 -33 99.21%
三つ数えろ EXH 16 5550 -33 99.41%
In The Breeze EXH 16 3930 -33 99.17%
The Sampling Paradise (P*Light Remix) EXH 17 4929 -33 99.33%
ウバワレ GRV 17 5588 -33 99.41%