
type_100 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2111件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
ΑΩ GRV 19 7804 -290 96.42%
Barbless Ego GRV 18 5602 -57 98.99%
snow storm -euphoria- GRV 19 7126 -225 96.94%
タイムトラベル GRV 18 7185 -150 97.96%
odds and ends GRV 17 5129 -28 99.46%
Xepher Light and Darkness Dragon REMIX GRV 18 6237 -121 98.1%
Blastix Riotz GRV 19 8028 -243 97.06%
HAELE III ~Angel Worlds~ GRV 18 7358 -134 98.21%
Preserved Valkyria GRV 19 8213 -302 96.45%
Sephirot GRV 17 5579 -41 99.27%
少年は空を辿る Prog Piano Remix GRV 17 6352 -81 98.74%
いーあるふぁんくらぶ GRV 16 3687 -12 99.68%
まじかる生主@りすなちゃん GRV 18 6156 -58 99.07%
OZONE GRV 18 7531 -42 99.45%
Reb∞t GRV 18 7968 -58 99.28%
Appliqué GRV 17 7170 -42 99.42%
Believe In Yourself GRV 18 5482 -53 99.04%
FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》 GRV 19 7320 -420 94.57%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7836 -130 98.37%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 GRV 20 8828 -440 95.25%
Nexta GRV 18 7016 -101 98.58%
Growth Memories GRV 19 7227 -194 97.39%
Angelic Jelly GRV 18 6872 -53 99.23%
CODE -CRiMSON- GRV 18 6612 -105 98.44%
はわわw!な展開っ! GRV 16 6843 -36 99.48%