
decopon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2709件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
iberis VVD 16 4923 -34 99.31%
Holy Legacy VVD 17 5657 -47 99.18%
Hexennacht VVD 17 4536 -55 98.8%
Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix) VVD 18 6110 -106 98.29%
こちら、幸福安心委員会です。 VVD 18 4509 -86 98.13%
ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ VVD 18 7634 -290 96.34%
夢見草奇譚 VVD 17 6015 -84 98.62%
World of Iris VVD 18 5520 -74 98.68%
She is my wife すーぱーアイドル☆ミツル子Remixちゃん VVD 18 5321 -268 95.2%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake VVD 18 6053 -147 97.63%
Dooooope VVD 16 3953 -23 99.42%
50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story- VVD 16 5247 -55 98.96%
IX VVD 19 8190 -304 96.42%
おお われら喜び讃うべし、主よ VVD 18 6803 -161 97.69%
トーキョーサマーナイト VVD 16 4737 -14 99.71%
DO-IT-AMA-SITE!!! VVD 17 4260 -42 99.02%
音楽 -resolve- VVD 19 7069 -249 96.6%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX VVD 18 6862 -100 98.56%
Over The Top VVD 18 7265 -147 98.02%
Ichi-Go! DX Pancake! VVD 18 7181 -132 98.19%
50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- VVD 17 5141 -60 98.85%
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- VVD 16 5451 -18 99.67%
50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- VVD 16 4765 -87 98.21%
€omet popcorn VVD 18 7017 -43 99.39%
ヒミツダイヤル VVD 17 4572 -25 99.46%