
decopon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2709件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
Empathetic MXM 17 5292 -35 99.34%
FLYING OUT TO THE SKY EXH 17 6380 -124 98.09%
Reverenced Flower EXH 17 6796 -116 98.32%
ブチ上げ候!現代忍者三姉妹 MXM 17 5675 -45 99.21%
卑弥呼 EXH 17 6366 -160 97.55%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6998 -150 97.9%
エンゲージ〆ント MXM 17 6219 -117 98.15%
Musha Vibration MXM 17 5208 -85 98.39%
驪駒早鬼は馬並み☆プロテイン MXM 17 6036 -29 99.52%
Harpuia EXH 17 5551 -142 97.51%
Sulk MXM 17 6827 -51 99.26%
Empty Backdoor MXM 17 4873 -40 99.19%
LIKE A VAMPIRE MXM 17 5101 -62 98.8%
Idola EXH 17 7548 -84 98.9%
木洩れ日に咲く MXM 17 5276 -28 99.47%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5679 -74 98.71%
柳の下のデュラハン hard chaos mix EXH 17 6070 -76 98.76%
Lost Emotion feat. nomico MXM 17 6210 -21 99.66%
MA・TSU・RI MXM 17 4791 -46 99.05%
αzalea EXH 17 6146 -89 98.57%
True Blue EXH 17 5926 -110 98.18%
Sakura Fubuki MXM 17 6267 -67 98.94%
Life is beautiful MXM 17 6052 -101 98.36%
トランスダンスアナーキー MXM 17 6839 -42 99.39%
Continuous Moment MXM 17 5225 -85 98.4%