
decopon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2709件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
refluxio MXM 18 7629 -226 97.12%
rainbow flyer -gratitude remix- EXH 16 4851 -65 98.68%
rE:Voltagers GRV 18 6152 -76 98.78%
rE:Voltagers EXH 16 4553 -50 98.91%
quaver♪ MXM 18 6231 -108 98.3%
quaver♪ EXH 16 4737 -16 99.66%
planetarium MXM 17 5696 -103 98.22%
planetarium EXH 15 4071 -18 99.56%
pique MXM 18 7612 -224 97.14%
pique EXH 16 5581 -35 99.38%
petits fours MXM 18 7823 -91 98.85%
petits fours EXH 15 5363 -29 99.46%
perditus†paradisus MXM 19 8079 -428 94.97%
perditus†paradisus EXH 17 6503 -93 98.59%
party:stage EXH 16 4785 -45 99.07%
party:stage MXM 18 6474 -120 98.18%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- MXM 18 8274 -173 97.95%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- EXH 16 6222 -38 99.39%
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- MXM 19 7653 -333 95.83%
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- EXH 17 5749 -120 97.96%
odds and ends EXH 15 4007 -59 98.55%
odds and ends GRV 17 5092 -65 98.74%
nostos -ark remix- MXM 18 5677 -58 98.99%
nostos -ark remix- EXH 15 3846 -25 99.35%
neu BSP style XCD 18 5555 -134 97.64%