
decopon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2709件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
All Clear!! MXM 17 5910 -66 98.9%
闇夜に舞うは紅の華 MXM 17 5145 -118 97.76%
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6383 -64 99.01%
Apocrypha MXM 17 6165 -23 99.63%
rhythmology study MXM 17 5731 -108 98.15%
Technical Master MXM 17 5295 -38 99.29%
Line 4 Ruin -kohumix- MXM 17 5784 -109 98.15%
Sailing Force EXH 17 5535 -108 98.09%
Carry Me Away MXM 17 5809 -67 98.86%
インビジブル MXM 17 5895 -35 99.41%
If MXM 17 5034 -65 98.73%
Rebuilding of Paradise Lost MXM 17 6108 -88 98.58%
Dharma MXM 17 5321 -40 99.25%
Heavenly Adventure MXM 17 5181 -66 98.74%
Zero-Day Exploit EXH 17 6204 -79 98.74%
ヒミツダイヤル VVD 17 4572 -25 99.46%
REGALIA EXH 17 7254 -118 98.4%
Clash of swords EXH 17 6466 -74 98.87%
StrayedCatz GRV 17 5939 -132 97.83%
cross the future EXH 17 5493 -43 99.22%
そして紫の幻想曲は全てを受け入れる EXH 17 5908 -129 97.86%
ZEPHYRANTHES GRV 17 6212 -50 99.2%
0=Xerostrumental= EXH 17 5721 -100 98.28%
ウエンレラの氷華 GRV 17 6287 -190 97.07%
Get back here GRV 17 6394 -100 98.46%