
yz4241 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3221件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▼ MAX- %
The Wind of Gold (folkcore remix) EXH 14 4051 -14 99.66%
Prominence EXH 13 4050 -13 99.68%
勇者の卒業式 EXH 14 4049 -19 99.53%
Random Box MXM 16 4049 -16 99.61%
Hello world! EXH 13 4048 -24 99.41%
Regretful Flower EXH 14 4046 -15 99.63%
極彩天奏 EXH 15 4046 -22 99.46%
ルーネイトエルフ(Riz Mix) EXH 14 4045 -7 99.83%
Defining Future EXH 16 4044 -10 99.75%
Abyss (sharp stepp remix) EXH 13 4039 -33 99.19%
odds and ends EXH 15 4039 -27 99.34%
Xepher Light and Darkness Dragon REMIX EXH 16 4037 -35 99.14%
Historia of Velnoti EXH 15 4037 -30 99.26%
都会征服Girls☆ EXH 14 4036 -17 99.58%
驪駒早鬼は馬並み☆プロテイン EXH 14 4031 -14 99.65%
Virtual to LIVE EXH 14 4031 -5 99.88%
叛逆のディスパレート EXH 15 4030 -9 99.78%
御伽噺に幕切れを EXH 15 4029 -6 99.85%
夢幻泡影 EXH 15 4028 -19 99.53%
Sulk EXH 14 4025 -23 99.43%
僕らの時間 EXH 14 4024 -5 99.88%
Bye or not EXH 14 4021 -8 99.8%
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! - SH Style - EXH 13 4021 -7 99.83%
The Wind of Gold -HΔPPY MIX- EXH 15 4021 -15 99.63%
チェイスチェイスジョーカーズのうた EXH 14 4019 -13 99.68%