
yz4241 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3212件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Cumulonimbus MXM 18 7095 -212 97.1%
Crystallize Forest EXH 11 3888 -12 99.69%
Crystalia MXM 18 6662 -183 97.33%
Cross Fire MXM 19 7123 -189 97.42%
Cross Fire EXH 17 6225 -158 97.52%
Critical Crystal(brz_remix) EXH 13 3607 -13 99.64%
Crazy ∞ nighT EXH 15 5413 -10 99.82%
Crazy Jackpot EXH 15 4135 -28 99.33%
Crazy Jackpot MXM 18 6216 -62 99.01%
Crawl Out Immortal MXM 18 7085 -220 96.99%
Crawl Out Immortal EXH 15 5097 -7 99.86%
Crack Traxxxx GRV 18 6956 -98 98.61%
Crack Traxxxx EXH 16 6245 -50 99.21%
Corrupting Wonderland MXM 18 7336 -100 98.66%
Corrupting Wonderland EXH 15 5028 -15 99.7%
Continuous Moment MXM 17 5195 -115 97.83%
Continuous Moment EXH 15 3562 -22 99.39%
Concertino in Blue MXM 18 5584 -191 96.69%
Concertino in Blue EXH 15 4109 -40 99.04%
Completeness Under Incompleteness GRV 18 6672 -234 96.61%
Come to Life EXH 16 5169 -18 99.65%
Come to Life MXM 18 6482 -92 98.6%
Colors EXH 14 3513 -9 99.74%
Colorless feat.ももかみ EXH 14 4005 -16 99.6%
Colorless feat.ももかみ MXM 17 5130 -159 96.99%