
yz4241 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3202件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
planetarium MXM 17 5716 -83 98.57%
Perfect Ultimate Celebration!! MXM 18 6962 -150 97.89%
Sunflower Vibes MXM 17 6324 -25 99.61%
m1dy Deluxe MXM 18 7523 -174 97.74%
ポッピンキャンディ☆フィーバー! MXM 17 5632 -61 98.93%
Cynical Joker MXM 18 6991 -104 98.53%
アルファ・スカイ MXM 17 6112 -68 98.9%
Blue Forest(NightBounce Remix) MXM 17 4582 -54 98.84%
Please Welcome Mr.C MXM 18 7166 -227 96.93%
Smoked Turkey Rag MXM 17 5786 -79 98.65%
FAR GONE MXM 18 5573 -58 98.97%
One More Lovely MXM 19 7804 -331 95.93%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- MXM 18 8193 -254 96.99%
Amazing Mirage MXM 18 6550 -124 98.14%
すきなことだけでいいです MXM 16 4526 -85 98.16%
Aragami MXM 17 6394 -103 98.41%
Distorted Floor -Boosted- MXM 18 5554 -82 98.55%
Red+White=Kawaii MXM 18 6753 -182 97.38%
Mind Mapping(ag Remix) MXM 16 4854 -23 99.53%
胸の中で誰かが MXM 15 5003 -34 99.32%
機械仕掛けの魔法使い MXM 17 4900 -99 98.02%
End of Guilty MXM 18 6225 -185 97.11%
V MXM 18 6810 -328 95.4%
Fly far bounce MXM 17 4687 -68 98.57%
EGOISM 440 (Ange;art remix) MXM 18 6088 -185 97.05%