
yz4241 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3221件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▲ MAX- %
Ghost Trigger EXH 15 3999 -42 98.96%
Beyond the BLUE EXH 16 4001 -28 99.31%
PRESERVED VAMPIRE EXH 15 4002 -21 99.48%
Shadows in the Light EXH 13 4004 -9 99.78%
神っぽいな MXM 17 4005 -34 99.16%
Colorless feat.ももかみ EXH 14 4005 -16 99.6%
Hydroblast EXH 15 4006 -35 99.13%
DesireDrive EXH 13 4007 -21 99.48%
Verstärkt Killer EXH 14 4009 -3 99.93%
I Left for my Right EXH 15 4010 -25 99.38%
Puberty Dysthymia EXH 15 4011 -38 99.06%
FUJIMORI -祭- FESTIVAL MXM 17 4012 -124 97.0%
Get out of my sight EXH 15 4012 -17 99.58%
モラトリアムノオト EXH 13 4014 -11 99.73%
further the future EXH 15 4014 -24 99.41%
ローリンガール EXH 12 4015 -14 99.65%
ハローラフター EXH 12 4015 -4 99.9%
will o' the wisp EXH 13 4016 -24 99.41%
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- EXH 14 4017 -19 99.53%
eXtridia EXH 15 4017 -18 99.55%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit EXH 15 4018 -25 99.38%
チェイスチェイスジョーカーズのうた EXH 14 4019 -13 99.68%
Bye or not EXH 14 4021 -8 99.8%
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! - SH Style - EXH 13 4021 -7 99.83%
The Wind of Gold -HΔPPY MIX- EXH 15 4021 -15 99.63%