
yz4241 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3229件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
HeaveИ's Rain MXM 20 7678 -585 92.92%
Hellfire EXH 17 6182 -91 98.55%
Hellfire GRV 18 7037 -149 97.93%
Hello world! EXH 13 4048 -24 99.41%
Hello world! XCD 17 6146 -70 98.87%
Hello, Hologram MXM 18 9166 -180 98.07%
Hello, Hologram EXH 15 5668 -14 99.75%
Help me, CODYYYYYY!! GRV 16 5148 -90 98.28%
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! EXH 13 4991 -13 99.74%
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! #幻想郷ホロイズムver. EXH 15 5520 -16 99.71%
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! - SH Style - EXH 13 4021 -7 99.83%
Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -Cranky remix- EXH 17 5913 -67 98.88%
Heroine is here EXH 14 3695 -9 99.76%
Hexennacht EXH 15 3310 -5 99.85%
Hexennacht VVD 17 4569 -22 99.52%
Hi-Fi!!双子'S EXH 14 4725 -27 99.43%
HiGHER MXM 16 5589 -17 99.7%
HiGHER EXH 12 3690 -5 99.86%
Historia of Velnoti EXH 15 4037 -30 99.26%
Historia of Velnoti VVD 17 5959 -152 97.51%
Holy Legacy VVD 17 5575 -129 97.74%
Holy Legacy EXH 14 3778 -4 99.89%
Holy Trail MXM 19 7314 -279 96.33%
Hopscotch EXH 15 4709 -22 99.53%
Hopscotch MXM 17 6252 -114 98.21%