
yz4241 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3229件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
ΛNXIENT:LEGΛXIEZ MXM 18 6964 -238 96.7%
ΕΛΠΙΣ EXH 17 6157 -225 96.47%
ΑΩ GRV 19 7771 -323 96.01%
ΑΩ EXH 18 6815 -110 98.41%
éclair au chocolat EXH 13 4358 -17 99.61%
éclair au chocolat GRV 17 5452 -92 98.34%
Übertreffen MXM 18 6446 -262 96.09%
ØƵ MXM 18 6843 -149 97.87%
ØƵ EXH 16 5185 -47 99.1%
ØverwriteTheCatastrophe EXH 15 3854 -22 99.43%
ØverwriteTheCatastrophe MXM 18 5886 -131 97.82%
¡¡Fanta∽cramble!! EXH 15 3633 -10 99.73%
¡¡Fanta∽cramble!! MXM 17 4996 -69 98.64%
{albus} EXH 17 6251 -151 97.64%
{ eXLIPXe } MXM 20 7261 -751 90.63%
{ eXLIPXe } EXH 18 5873 -179 97.04%
wound EXH 11 3310 -13 99.61%
will o' the wisp EXH 13 4016 -24 99.41%
who I am MXM 17 4653 -91 98.08%
who I am EXH 14 3310 -10 99.7%
while (screen is blue) EXH 17 4797 -190 96.19%
while (screen is blue) MXM 19 6926 -472 93.62%
werewolf howls. EXH 18 6708 -161 97.66%
waxing and wanding(SS Remix) EXH 13 3750 -4 99.89%
waxing and wanding EXH 16 4946 -12 99.76%