
yz4241 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3234件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
waxing and wanding(SS Remix) EXH 13 3750 -4 99.89%
waxing and wanding EXH 16 4946 -12 99.76%
waxing and wanding MXM 18 6340 -69 98.92%
wander+wonder+wand EXH 15 4277 -21 99.51%
voltississimo MXM 19 8791 -328 96.4%
voltississimo EXH 17 6032 -42 99.31%
vivid landscape EXH 15 3756 -34 99.1%
vivid landscape MXM 17 5363 -86 98.42%
veRtrageS EXH 18 7734 -112 98.57%
veRtrageS XCD 19 8353 -356 95.91%
ultra turbo EXH 14 3288 -25 99.25%
ultra turbo MXM 17 5221 -56 98.94%
twilight signal EXH 15 4175 -20 99.52%
true feeling?~本当の気持ち♪~ EXH 12 3562 -12 99.66%
tricky trick EXH 18 7548 -131 98.29%
trea→journey MXM 18 6845 -233 96.71%
trea→journey EXH 16 4455 -54 98.8%
toy boxer MXM 17 4924 -38 99.23%
toy boxer EXH 15 3788 -20 99.47%
take a step forward EXH 15 5663 -25 99.56%
take a step forward HVN 17 6429 -129 98.03%
taboo tears you up 2008 EXH 15 4533 -18 99.6%
sweet dream EXH 13 4267 -8 99.81%
suspicions MXM 18 6749 -222 96.82%
suspicions EXH 16 5036 -72 98.59%