
off10n さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2215件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Prey MXM 18 6346 -192 97.06%
Preserved Valkyria GRV 19 8247 -268 96.85%
Preserved Valkyria EXH 18 6799 -214 96.95%
Prayer(溝口ゆうま feat. 大瀬良あい) MXM 18 6820 -62 99.1%
Prayer(ぺのれり) EXH 18 5886 -73 98.77%
Poppin’Cats!! MXM 17 5709 -121 97.92%
Poppin’Cats!! EXH 15 3627 -22 99.4%
Poppin' Shower MXM 16 4966 -6 99.88%
Poochie MXM 18 6317 -86 98.66%
Pon-Pon-Pompoko Dai-Sen-Saw! EXH 18 6253 -40 99.36%
Poison Blood EXH 15 5209 -40 99.24%
Poison AND÷OR Affection MXM 17 5871 -125 97.92%
Please Welcome Mr.C MXM 18 7211 -182 97.54%
Playing With Fire EXH 16 4206 -32 99.24%
Pixelated Platform (Super Honey!) MXM 17 6383 -40 99.38%
Pixelated Platform EXH 14 3417 -6 99.82%
Pixelated Platform MXM 17 5573 -23 99.59%
Pieces of a Dream EXH 17 6270 -135 97.89%
Phlox MXM 17 5239 -5 99.9%
Phantom dinning tonight! EXH 16 3991 -25 99.38%
Petit espoir MXM 18 7993 -148 98.18%
Pet Peeve EXH 17 4123 -29 99.3%
Perfect Ultimate Celebration!! MXM 18 7006 -106 98.51%
Party Stream !! EXH 15 5014 -35 99.31%
Parousia EXH 17 6473 -134 97.97%