
1020morikan さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1140件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Leviathan MXM 18 7081 -217 97.03%
Legendary Road MXM 18 8055 -223 97.31%
LegenD. XCD 19 7693 -82 98.95%
LegenD. EXH 18 7257 -148 98.0%
Le Fruit Défendu XCD 18 6993 -114 98.4%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ MXM 19 7837 -276 96.6%
Lazurite MXM 18 7075 -199 97.26%
LastΩmegA MXM 18 7236 -177 97.61%
Last Resort MXM 19 9099 -153 98.35%
Last Concerto GRV 18 6382 -193 97.06%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 8478 -308 96.49%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6995 -153 97.86%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 EXH 18 7362 -127 98.3%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 GRV 20 8944 -324 96.5%
La Nostra Storia! MXM 18 8108 -233 97.21%
LOVE TONIC MXM 18 6127 -194 96.93%
LIKE A VAMPIRE MXM 17 5015 -148 97.13%
LECTORIA MXM 18 6821 -135 98.06%
L9 MXM 18 6918 -131 98.14%
Kontrol Line MXM 18 6758 -185 97.34%
Knew Order MXM 18 7606 -79 98.97%
Khionos TiARA MXM 18 7649 -144 98.15%
Katharsis MXM 18 6002 -149 97.58%
KINGWORLD MXM 18 8068 -35 99.57%
KIMIDORI Streak!! MXM 18 6654 -34 99.49%