
zegudo さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2219件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▼ MAX- %
患部で止まってすぐ溶ける ~ 狂気の優曇華院 INF 17 6418 -85 98.69%
party:stage MXM 18 6413 -181 97.26%
FLügeL《Λrp:ΣggyØ》 EXH 18 6409 -179 97.28%
Decretum EXH 17 6408 -146 97.77%
perditus†paradisus EXH 17 6407 -189 97.13%
ボルテ体操第一 XCD 18 6407 -144 97.8%
Awakening EXH 17 6406 -134 97.95%
bistro twins☆☆☆ MXM 17 6406 -62 99.04%
ベビーステップ MXM 17 6404 -95 98.54%
Royal Judgement GRV 17 6403 -142 97.83%
Noisy Minority MXM 18 6401 -185 97.19%
Melty Sweets MXM 17 6400 -97 98.51%
Got more raves? HVN 19 6399 -165 97.49%
悪戯センセーション MXM 17 6398 -64 99.01%
INDEPENDENT SKY GRV 17 6398 -75 98.84%
Clash of swords EXH 17 6397 -143 97.81%
Re:End of a Dream EXH 16 6395 -129 98.02%
Breakneck Pursuit EXH 17 6392 -98 98.49%
全力ハッピーライフ MXM 17 6390 -70 98.92%
Turn the story MXM 18 6389 -230 96.53%
ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX MXM 18 6384 -270 95.94%
紅の剣舞 EXH 17 6381 -108 98.34%
FEEL THE FORCE MXM 18 6377 -189 97.12%
Stairway to the sun MXM 18 6375 -128 98.03%
STIGMA MXM 18 6374 -222 96.63%