
zegudo さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2219件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▲ MAX- %
MEGALOVANIA EXH 16 5628 -51 99.1%
Adrenaline Rush MXM 17 5629 -107 98.13%
Hydroblast MXM 18 5632 -236 95.98%
爆烈歓迎♪エクストリーム飲茶旋風脚ッ!! MXM 18 5632 -163 97.19%
ドゥサンコオデッセイ!! EXH 17 5634 -169 97.09%
PANIC HOLIC GRV 18 5635 -71 98.76%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5639 -114 98.02%
VIVID DEBUT! MXM 17 5640 -143 97.53%
Monkey Business(Band Edit.) EXH 16 5640 -157 97.29%
零天視 EXH 16 5641 -109 98.1%
nostos -ark remix- MXM 18 5642 -93 98.38%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX EXH 16 5642 -92 98.4%
rhythmology study MXM 17 5643 -196 96.64%
Lord=Crossight EXH 17 5644 -123 97.87%
Sadistic Stabbing MXM 17 5646 -77 98.65%
Barbatos EXH 16 5649 -167 97.13%
Chocolate Planet (いるちょこRemix) MXM 17 5650 -52 99.09%
Follow Up EXH 17 5651 -95 98.35%
gigadelic -stance xxxx- EXH 17 5651 -164 97.18%
HEAVENLY SMILE MXM 17 5651 -151 97.4%
茅蜩モラトリアム EXH 16 5657 -98 98.3%
Memory Flow MXM 18 5659 -109 98.11%
Foolish Again MXM 17 5659 -123 97.87%
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5659 -100 98.26%
Destr0yer MXM 18 5660 -160 97.25%