
zegudo さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2219件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Little princess has no identity. EXH 17 5998 -107 98.25%
INSECTICIDE EXH 18 6843 -190 97.3%
朱と碧のランページ EXH 17 5565 -82 98.55%
*Feels Seasickness...* EXH 18 6124 -217 96.58%
轟け!恋のビーンボール!! EXH 17 5316 -74 98.63%
#FairyJoke #SDVX_Edit EXH 17 4720 -28 99.41%
ワヴル魔法図書館 EXH 15 5101 -92 98.23%
信仰は儚き人間の為に ~ Arr.Demetori EXH 17 6499 -81 98.77%
KiLLeR MeRMaiD EXH 17 6059 -57 99.07%
Harpuia EXH 17 5557 -136 97.61%
Black Emperor EXH 18 6541 -285 95.82%
FLYING OUT TO THE SKY EXH 17 6370 -134 97.94%
GODHEART EXH 17 6121 -122 98.05%
INFINITY OVERDRIVE EXH 15 4729 -29 99.39%
ウサテイ EXH 15 4445 -113 97.52%
Voice 2 Voice EXH 15 3788 -129 96.71%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX EXH 16 5642 -92 98.4%
恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! EXH 15 4177 -65 98.47%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake EXH 16 3999 -55 98.64%
ませまてぃっく♥ま+ま=まじっく! EXH 15 4138 -9 99.78%
WobbleTangleFestival EXH 13 3530 -61 98.3%
Cross Fire EXH 17 6238 -145 97.73%
Tomato Leaf Breaks EXH 13 4391 -35 99.21%
げきオコスティックファイナリアリティぷんぷんマスタースパーク EXH 14 4339 -26 99.4%
Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix) EXH 15 4551 -41 99.11%