
mxmzrluv さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1445件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Flip Flap MXM 17 4896 -24 99.51%
sparky spark MXM 17 5396 -24 99.56%
響く静寂 MXM 17 6293 -14 99.78%
Ethereal Lotus MXM 18 7415 -11 99.85%
BLACK JACKAL MXM 17 5685 -11 99.81%
Dogeza Stairs MXM 18 8360 -87 98.97%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7416 -17 99.77%
clear:wings MXM 17 6944 -43 99.38%
シープドリーミン MXM 17 6411 -37 99.43%
アオアラシ MXM 18 5682 -24 99.58%
伊邪那美白山姫大神 MXM 17 7544 -17 99.78%
怪盗Fの台本~消えたダイヤの謎~ MXM 18 6606 -75 98.88%
MeteorGlow Aftermath MXM 18 6068 -52 99.15%
Shera MXM 18 5811 -8 99.86%
birth MXM 18 8098 -36 99.56%
フォニイ MXM 17 6589 -9 99.86%
儚キ戀ノ幻想譚 MXM 18 6395 -12 99.81%
Initiating League MXM 18 6646 -58 99.13%
graduation MXM 18 8287 -62 99.26%
涙の女神と無形のエトワル MXM 18 6062 -40 99.34%
petits fours MXM 18 7830 -84 98.94%
いまきみに MXM 20 9770 -141 98.58%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 8669 -117 98.67%
Mischievous theater MXM 17 5886 -30 99.49%
Sunflower Vibes MXM 17 6344 -5 99.92%