
mottari さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2828件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Crawl Out Immortal EXH 15 5102 -2 99.96%
Crack Traxxxx EXH 16 6263 -32 99.49%
Crack Traxxxx GRV 18 6979 -75 98.94%
Corrupting Wonderland MXM 18 7394 -42 99.44%
Continuous Moment MXM 17 5267 -43 99.19%
Concertino in Blue MXM 18 5666 -109 98.11%
Completeness Under Incompleteness GRV 18 6763 -143 97.93%
Completeness Under Incompleteness EXH 16 5938 -29 99.51%
Come to Life EXH 16 5185 -2 99.96%
Come to Life MXM 18 6555 -19 99.71%
Colors MXM 16 5103 -10 99.8%
Colorless feat.ももかみ MXM 17 5258 -31 99.41%
Colorful Magical Parade MXM 17 4687 -11 99.77%
Coldlapse MXM 17 6137 -29 99.53%
Cold Inflation EXH 16 5331 -12 99.78%
Cloud Crasher GRV 18 6548 -64 99.03%
Cloud Crasher EXH 16 5491 -28 99.49%
Cloud 9 EXH 16 5557 -16 99.71%
Cloud 9 MXM 18 6189 -88 98.6%
Clione Hommarju Remix EXH 12 3989 -1 99.97%
Cleopatrysm INF 16 4918 -26 99.47%
Clash of swords EXH 17 6504 -36 99.45%
Claidheamh Soluis-光の剣- feat.はるの MXM 16 5481 -24 99.56%
Cirno Break EXH 16 5524 -22 99.6%
Circulator MXM 17 4458 -44 99.02%