
mottari さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2847件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Immortal saga EXH 16 5290 -35 99.34%
Immortal saga MXM 19 6865 -188 97.33%
Imperator MXM 18 6745 -102 98.51%
Imperator EXH 16 5167 -11 99.79%
Impress (bansou Remix) MXM 17 5600 -25 99.56%
Impress(siqlo's Hi-Tech Veats) MXM 17 4453 -4 99.91%
In The Breeze EXH 16 3946 -17 99.57%
Inevitable Magic MXM 18 6234 -11 99.82%
Inevitable Magic EXH 16 4613 -7 99.85%
Initiating League EXH 16 4515 -9 99.8%
Initiating League MXM 18 6629 -75 98.88%
Inixia GRV 17 7294 -36 99.51%
Inixia EXH 16 5330 -15 99.72%
Innocent MXM 18 7701 -90 98.84%
Innocent EXH 16 6105 -10 99.84%
Innocent Azure EXH 16 5434 -6 99.89%
Innocent Azure MXM 18 6794 -31 99.55%
Innocent Eyes EXH 13 5212 0 100.0%
Innocent Floor EXH 17 6228 -47 99.25%
Innocent Tempest EXH 17 6748 -43 99.37%
Innocent Tempest VVD 19 7306 -187 97.5%
Inscape MXM 17 5992 -28 99.53%
Into The Madness MXM 17 4514 -17 99.62%
Invisible Bullets MXM 17 5508 -24 99.57%
Invisible Full Moon 古屋直雪 remix MXM 16 4556 -12 99.74%