
mottari さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2847件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
Invisible Bullets MXM 17 5508 -24 99.57%
Empathetic MXM 17 5317 -10 99.81%
Elemental Creation EXH 17 7302 -50 99.32%
Emperor's Divide EXH 17 6761 -16 99.76%
そして紫の幻想曲は全てを受け入れる EXH 17 5982 -55 99.09%
I Left for my Right MXM 17 5154 -7 99.86%
Musha Vibration MXM 17 5247 -46 99.13%
ブチ上げ候!現代忍者三姉妹 MXM 17 5694 -26 99.55%
cross the future EXH 17 5522 -14 99.75%
MOVE! (We Keep It Movin') MXM 17 5298 -16 99.7%
scary night MXM 17 5756 -11 99.81%
ヒミツダイヤル VVD 17 4581 -16 99.65%
黒紅掬い MXM 17 4294 -10 99.77%
BAYONEX EXH 17 5522 -78 98.61%
Metamorphobia EXH 17 5840 -35 99.4%
ぼくらの16bit戦争 MXM 17 4774 -25 99.48%
LIKE A VAMPIRE MXM 17 5133 -30 99.42%
JOMANDA EXH 17 6348 -28 99.56%
スーパー戦湯ババンバーン MXM 17 6043 -55 99.1%
Cross Fire EXH 17 6344 -39 99.39%
斑咲花 MXM 17 6311 -39 99.39%
Clash of swords EXH 17 6504 -36 99.45%
0=Xerostrumental= EXH 17 5749 -72 98.76%
and After the Merry BADEND EXH 17 5584 -34 99.39%
焔 -MAGMA- MXM 17 6529 -24 99.63%