
mottari さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2847件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- MXM 19 7669 -317 96.03%
odds and ends GRV 17 5121 -36 99.3%
nostos -ark remix- MXM 18 5670 -65 98.87%
neu BSP style EXH 16 4045 -27 99.34%
neu BSP style XCD 18 5617 -72 98.73%
neko*neko EXH 13 3253 -5 99.85%
neko*neko XCD 17 4820 -11 99.77%
mqlo MXM 18 8571 -87 99.0%
mqlo EXH 16 6820 -38 99.45%
moon MXM 16 5597 -23 99.59%
mon$tage EXH 16 5010 -31 99.39%
memento mori -intro- MXM 18 6480 -65 99.01%
memento mori -intro- EXH 16 4468 -13 99.71%
macaron EXH 15 5554 -5 99.91%
m1dy Deluxe MXM 18 7614 -83 98.92%
m1dy Deluxe EXH 16 5206 -10 99.81%
lost chain EXH 13 4395 -12 99.73%
le coeur patissiere MXM 17 5603 -19 99.66%
lEyl MXM 18 6953 -68 99.03%
lEyl EXH 16 5841 -20 99.66%
jet coaster☆girl sasakure.UK tRiCkStAr Remix EXH 9 2637 0 100.0%
infinite:youniverse EXH 14 5093 -6 99.88%
infinite:youniverse MXM 17 7122 -37 99.48%
iberis VVD 16 4936 -21 99.58%
iLLness LiLin MXM 20 7357 -599 92.47%