
mottari さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2847件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Shera MXM 18 5776 -43 99.26%
She is my wife すーぱーアイドル☆ミツル子Remixちゃん VVD 18 5480 -109 98.05%
She is my wife EXH 16 4451 -23 99.49%
She Turns Me On GRV 18 6720 -30 99.56%
Sharkbait EXH 15 3275 0 100.0%
Sharkbait MXM 17 3478 -17 99.51%
Shanghai Wu Long ~上海舞龍~ EXH 17 6028 -117 98.1%
Shadows in the Light EXH 13 4012 -1 99.98%
Seraphim EXH 18 6126 -66 98.93%
Sephirot GRV 17 5595 -25 99.56%
Secret Traveler -MeniRemix- MXM 17 4399 -15 99.66%
Secret Traveler -MeniRemix- EXH 14 3478 0 100.0%
Second Heaven Lamaze-REMIX EXH 13 3855 -29 99.25%
Second Heaven GravityPfArrange MXM 16 4953 -21 99.58%
Second Game EXH 14 3818 0 100.0%
Second Game MXM 17 5583 -10 99.82%
Screaming!! VVD 17 5317 -27 99.49%
Scream out! (SDVX EDIT) EXH 16 5648 -10 99.82%
Scat Jazz Dance EXH 16 4169 0 100.0%
Scat Jazz Dance MXM 18 5020 -60 98.82%
Scars of FAUNA(ろひ Remix) MXM 18 6401 -43 99.33%
Scars of FAUNA(ろひ Remix) EXH 16 4290 -8 99.81%
Scarlet Pinheel -appassionato- EXH 16 5479 -6 99.89%
Scarlet Pinheel -appassionato- MXM 18 7097 -77 98.93%
Scarlet Pinheel EXH 16 5815 -11 99.81%