
mottari さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2847件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
JULIAN MXM 17 5132 -24 99.53%
水槽のクジラ MXM 17 5949 -10 99.83%
零の位相 MXM 17 5290 -16 99.7%
JUGGLE MXM 17 5261 -18 99.66%
Zero-Day Exploit EXH 17 6246 -37 99.41%
{albus} EXH 17 6348 -54 99.16%
JOMANDA EXH 17 6348 -28 99.56%
Metamorphobia EXH 17 5840 -35 99.4%
ヒミツダイヤル VVD 17 4581 -16 99.65%
0=Xerostrumental= EXH 17 5749 -72 98.76%
DIABLOSIS::Nāga EXH 17 5826 -28 99.52%
Triple Counter EXH 17 6764 -40 99.41%
Voynich:Manuscript EXH 17 5961 -43 99.28%
The End of War EXH 17 6340 -89 98.62%
ウエンレラの氷華 GRV 17 6391 -86 98.67%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. EXH 17 5127 -10 99.81%
Halcyon EXH 17 6299 -77 98.79%
StrayedCatz GRV 17 6005 -66 98.91%
Sephirot GRV 17 5595 -25 99.56%
Lord=Crossight EXH 17 5728 -39 99.32%
akasha-assembly EXH 17 5177 -18 99.65%
人形裁判 -THIRD IMPACT- EXH 17 5859 -53 99.1%
Inixia GRV 17 7294 -36 99.51%
Virtual Bit EXH 17 5489 -34 99.38%
Enigma EXH 17 6393 -68 98.95%