
setsunah さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1180件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
9TH5IN MXM 19 8201 -664 92.51%
9TH5IN EXH 17 7039 -187 97.41%
ЯeviveR MXM 19 9162 -970 90.43%
ЯeviveR EXH 17 6876 -270 96.22%
Elemental Creation (kamome sano Remix) MXM 18 5131 -812 86.34%
VIVIDWAVERS MXM 17 4744 -416 91.94%
ANGER of the GOD MXM 19 8214 -510 94.15%
ANGER of the GOD EXH 17 7210 -118 98.39%
STYX HELIX(Digi-Rock Remix) MXM 17 4141 -290 93.46%
Valanga(polysha Remix) EXH 16 3843 -573 87.02%
Vividly Impromptu MXM 18 5997 -416 93.51%
Vividly Impromptu EXH 16 4296 -80 98.17%
ULTRA B+K MXM 17 5958 -285 95.43%
MilK MXM 17 5519 -172 96.98%
Call of the World MXM 18 7597 -581 92.9%
Call of the World EXH 16 5783 -120 97.97%
Turn the story MXM 18 6271 -348 94.74%
ЯegreT of MemoRy MXM 17 5639 -217 96.29%
OZONE GRV 18 7281 -292 96.14%
Believe In Yourself GRV 18 5392 -143 97.42%
Believe In Yourself EXH 16 4406 -183 96.01%
OUTERHEΛVEN MXM 19 7218 -910 88.8%
OUTERHEΛVEN EXH 17 6102 -177 97.18%
* Erm, could it be a Spatiotemporal ShockWAVE Syndrome...? EXH 18 5891 -909 86.63%
θコトノハθカプセルθ MXM 19 7877 -668 92.18%