
setsunah さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1180件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
十の試煉 EXH 17 5914 -151 97.51%
Xb10r MXM 19 7654 -827 90.25%
Xb10r EXH 17 6192 -219 96.58%
火狐之舞 MXM 18 7032 -469 93.75%
火狐之舞 EXH 16 5801 -96 98.37%
MixxioN MXM 20 6432 -1299 83.2%
MixxioN EXH 18 5449 -440 92.53%
Rhapsody ⚙f Triumph MXM 19 8835 -1087 89.04%
Rhapsody ⚙f Triumph EXH 17 7149 -336 95.51%
refluxio MXM 18 7053 -802 89.79%
refluxio EXH 16 5131 -356 93.51%
EncorE & cALL EXH 17 6193 -259 95.99%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7162 -364 95.16%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5854 -69 98.84%
AIM HIGHER MXM 18 5623 -377 93.72%
AIM HIGHER EXH 16 4255 -128 97.08%
All for One MXM 18 6593 -362 94.8%
All for One EXH 16 5177 -297 94.57%
AμreoLe ~for Triumph~ EXH 17 5300 -236 95.74%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ EXH 18 5796 -454 92.74%
ZEUS EXH 17 6734 -146 97.88%
ピアノ協奏曲第1番”蠍火” EXH 17 4574 -182 96.17%
Fegrix MXM 18 6500 -308 95.48%
Fegrix EXH 16 5003 -135 97.37%
sparky spark MXM 17 5192 -228 95.79%