
i_kura210 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2622件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
ΩVERFLOW MXM 18 7458 -111 98.53%
ΩVERFLOW EXH 16 5718 -34 99.41%
Quark MXM 17 6251 -47 99.25%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard MXM 19 8214 -179 97.87%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard EXH 17 7737 -47 99.4%
Sudden Visitor MXM 18 8519 -110 98.73%
Black Lotus MXM 18 6328 -115 98.22%
Black Lotus EXH 16 4887 -19 99.61%
petits fours MXM 18 7834 -80 98.99%
星の透る夏空に願う MXM 18 7910 -112 98.6%
星の透る夏空に願う EXH 16 5905 -41 99.31%
MARENOL MXM 17 6657 -41 99.39%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 8538 -248 97.18%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 7040 -108 98.49%
Aerial Fortress MXM 18 7584 -209 97.32%
Aerial Fortress EXH 16 5314 -60 98.88%
Dogeza Stairs MXM 18 8325 -122 98.56%
Dogeza Stairs EXH 16 6812 -42 99.39%
LECTORIA MXM 18 6866 -90 98.71%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7337 -96 98.71%
Cynical Joker MXM 18 7017 -78 98.9%
PIZZATIME MXM 17 4964 -38 99.24%
Mischievous theater MXM 17 5842 -74 98.75%
mqlo MXM 18 8582 -76 99.12%
mqlo EXH 16 6842 -16 99.77%