
trail_l さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1246件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
ΣgØ MXM 20 9753 -156 98.43%
ΩVERFLOW MXM 18 7506 -63 99.17%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard MXM 19 8260 -133 98.42%
Black Lotus MXM 18 6411 -32 99.5%
petits fours MXM 18 7868 -46 99.42%
星の透る夏空に願う MXM 18 7966 -56 99.3%
MARENOL MXM 17 6453 -245 96.34%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 8634 -152 98.27%
Aerial Fortress MXM 18 7721 -72 99.08%
Dogeza Stairs MXM 18 8402 -45 99.47%
LECTORIA MXM 18 6928 -28 99.6%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7379 -54 99.27%
Cynical Joker MXM 18 7058 -37 99.48%
Mischievous theater MXM 17 5872 -44 99.26%
mqlo MXM 18 8627 -31 99.64%
エンゲージ〆ント MXM 17 6309 -27 99.57%
Sunflower Vibes MXM 17 6343 -6 99.91%
V Sen5eS MXM 18 6883 -40 99.42%
empty MXM 17 6168 -23 99.63%
JǛPITΨR ♃ GЯÃVITÝ MXM 18 6946 -8 99.88%
ストリーミングハート MXM 17 6505 -25 99.62%
FIRST:DREAMS MXM 18 6099 -42 99.32%
アライヴ MXM 16 5127 -16 99.69%
Into The Madness MXM 17 4517 -14 99.69%
Circulator MXM 17 4472 -30 99.33%