
na2medes さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1614件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Screaming!! VVD 17 5326 -18 99.66%
PSYCHO+HEROES VVD 18 6860 -26 99.62%
€omet popcorn VVD 18 7047 -13 99.82%
孤月群雲に沈む VVD 17 5465 -15 99.73%
ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ VVD 18 7874 -50 99.37%
ヒミツダイヤル VVD 17 4580 -17 99.63%
50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- VVD 16 4756 -96 98.02%
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- VVD 16 5457 -12 99.78%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX VVD 18 6948 -14 99.8%
50th Memorial Songs -The BEMANI History- VVD 17 5194 -7 99.87%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake VVD 18 6180 -20 99.68%
夢見草奇譚 VVD 17 6083 -16 99.74%
音楽 -resolve- VVD 19 7176 -142 98.06%
Historia of Velnoti VVD 17 6078 -33 99.46%
トマヨイ VVD 18 5820 -25 99.57%
Over The Top VVD 18 7387 -25 99.66%
floorkiller VVD 17 6520 -16 99.76%
Flaa Behavior VVD 16 5254 0 100.0%
Joyeuse VVD 18 5635 -55 99.03%
DO-IT-AMA-SITE!!! VVD 17 4297 -5 99.88%
Dooooope VVD 16 3937 -39 99.02%
ラクガキスト VVD 19 7859 -39 99.51%
おはようからおやすみまでかまってポメポメ VVD 18 5787 -20 99.66%
Ichi-Go! DX Pancake! VVD 18 7275 -38 99.48%
VVD 17 5621 -10 99.82%