
_ku_qoo_ さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1810件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Staring at star MXM 19 8096 -129 98.43%
Stairway to the sun MXM 18 6464 -39 99.4%
Splash Underwater MXM 17 6387 -28 99.56%
Spirit of the Beast MXM 18 6645 -48 99.28%
Spider Dance / スパイダーダンス MXM 17 6712 -29 99.57%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! MXM 19 8854 -207 97.72%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! EXH 17 5938 -45 99.25%
Spear of Justice / 正義の槍 MXM 17 4962 -27 99.46%
Sparkling Laser Beam VVD 17 5647 -36 99.37%
Sparkle Smilin' MXM 17 5884 -15 99.75%
Space Diver Tama EXH 15 3764 -51 98.66%
Space Diver Tama HVN 17 5534 -37 99.34%
Sourire EXH 16 4401 -41 99.08%
Souhait bleu MXM 18 7577 -40 99.47%
Solar Storm EXH 18 6984 -91 98.71%
SociuS MXM 18 7262 -126 98.29%
Snowmelt MXM 18 7609 -64 99.17%
Smooth Wind EXH 15 4732 -23 99.52%
Sleepless days MXM 17 5339 -5 99.91%
Sky High MXM 18 6415 -60 99.07%
Six String Proof MXM 17 5608 -46 99.19%
Shiawase Transmission EXH 16 5146 -4 99.92%
Shera MXM 18 5786 -33 99.43%
She is my wife すーぱーアイドル☆ミツル子Remixちゃん VVD 18 5503 -86 98.46%
She is my wife EXH 16 4433 -41 99.08%