
sig_sub2 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1910件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Leviathan EXH 16 4608 -62 98.67%
Legendary Road MXM 18 8002 -276 96.67%
Legendary Road EXH 16 6025 -111 98.19%
LegenD. XCD 19 7501 -274 96.48%
LegenD. EXH 18 7186 -219 97.04%
Le Fruit Défendu XCD 18 6949 -158 97.78%
Le Fruit Défendu EXH 16 5423 -144 97.41%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ EXH 17 2682 -2745 49.42%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ MXM 19 7740 -373 95.4%
Lazurite MXM 18 7057 -217 97.02%
Laughin' Muffin EXH 16 4915 -49 99.01%
LastΩmegA EXH 16 4952 -57 98.86%
LastΩmegA MXM 18 7226 -187 97.48%
Last Resort EXH 17 6636 -54 99.19%
Last Resort MXM 19 8858 -394 95.74%
Last Concerto GRV 18 6299 -276 95.8%
Last Concerto EXH 17 4739 -317 93.73%
Last Battalion GRV 17 6118 -136 97.83%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6903 -245 96.57%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 8309 -477 94.57%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 GRV 20 8579 -689 92.57%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 EXH 18 7281 -208 97.22%
La Danza del Fuego MXM 16 263 -4440 5.59%
LUCKY CAT MXM 17 4924 -36 99.27%
LOVE EAST MXM 15 5028 -24 99.52%