
sig_sub2 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1910件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▼ MAX- %
charm♡you MXM 17 5068 -66 98.71%
Venomous Firefly EXH 16 5068 -221 95.82%
SUPER BUBBLE JOURNEY MXM 17 5065 -80 98.45%
Broken 8cmix HVN 18 5064 -108 97.91%
Wuv U (Colorful QT3 nekomix) EXH 16 5062 -34 99.33%
幻想郷DEMPASTICグリーティング EXH 16 5057 -70 98.63%
I Left for my Right MXM 17 5056 -105 97.97%
闇夜に舞うは紅の華 MXM 17 5055 -208 96.05%
断罪は遍く人間の元に EXH 17 5054 -135 97.4%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5051 -95 98.15%
EGOISM 440 (Ange;art remix) EXH 16 5047 -48 99.06%
Apex of the World EXH 17 5037 -189 96.38%
starmine (nora2r Remix) MXM 16 5036 -40 99.21%
ツーマンライブ GRV 16 5036 -22 99.57%
イヤホンロマンス MXM 16 5035 -52 98.98%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. EXH 17 5033 -104 97.98%
Nostalgic Blood of the Strife EXH 16 5032 -46 99.09%
春告胡蝶 EXH 16 5031 -60 98.82%
LOVE EAST MXM 15 5028 -24 99.52%
セツナトリップ HVN 17 5023 -147 97.16%
Candy Star MXM 16 5021 -39 99.23%
混乱少女♥そふらんちゃん!! EXH 18 5019 -359 93.32%
Continuous Moment MXM 17 5017 -293 94.48%
2 Beasts Unchained EXH 17 5010 -149 97.11%
XXanadu#climaXX EXH 16 5002 -38 99.25%