
sig_sub2 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1910件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
FLOWER REDALiCE Remix EXH 16 5908 -152 97.49%
Macuilxochitl (Latin Jazz Mix) EXH 16 4606 -41 99.12%
Verflucht EXH 16 4668 -45 99.05%
FEEL THE FORCE EXH 16 4611 -32 99.31%
BLISS EXH 16 4754 -1078 81.52%
恋は君のそばでサクラサク MXM 16 4013 -33 99.18%
Phantom dinning tonight! EXH 16 3957 -59 98.53%
Your SOUL Is Mine EXH 16 4427 -47 98.95%
Mami Mami Zone EXH 16 4758 -57 98.82%
Hurt me plenty EXH 16 1702 -3000 36.2%
ナナホシのうた MXM 16 5244 -59 98.89%
シアワセうさぎ・ぺこみこマリン MXM 16 4959 -87 98.28%
AA BlackY mix EXH 16 4941 -142 97.21%
MAGATORO EXH 16 5110 -126 97.59%
You Know-SDVX EDIT- EXH 16 4763 -30 99.37%
ヤサイマシ☆ニンニクアブラオオメ INF 16 4379 -33 99.25%
終点 EXH 16 5848 -103 98.27%
PSYCHO+HEROES EXH 16 5195 -62 98.82%
€omet popcorn EXH 16 5703 -68 98.82%
Angelic Jelly EXH 16 4829 -36 99.26%
Over the Border MXM 16 4318 -106 97.6%
Tomorrow Perfume (C-Show Remix) EXH 16 4862 -109 97.81%
Ray HVN 16 5458 -52 99.06%
rainbow flyer -gratitude remix- EXH 16 3864 -1052 78.6%
REVERSE LIMITED!(SDVX Edit) EXH 16 5113 -108 97.93%