
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▲ MAX- %
スラッシュ//シスターズ EXH 15 4690 -40 99.15%
羅生門 EXH 15 4690 -43 99.09%
Sacrifice and Faith EXH 15 4691 -31 99.34%
Garland EXH 15 4693 -14 99.7%
Heroine is here MXM 16 4698 -59 98.76%
Yum Yum Sweetie EXH 15 4698 -81 98.31%
disordered asia MXM 16 4698 -63 98.68%
Carry Me Away EXH 14 4698 -34 99.28%
who I am MXM 17 4701 -43 99.09%
業焔繚乱 EXH 15 4701 -36 99.24%
Barbless Ego GRV 18 4703 -956 83.11%
Resonant Gear EXH 14 4705 -27 99.43%
Smooth Wind EXH 15 4706 -49 98.97%
蓬莱フェスティボー EXH 15 4710 -38 99.2%
サクラノソバニ! EXH 15 4712 -20 99.58%
踊るフィーバーロボ EXH 16 4714 -102 97.88%
The Formula EXH 15 4715 -61 98.72%
Sky High EXH 15 4717 -24 99.49%
Tickled Pink EXH 16 4719 -82 98.29%
Ice Fortress EXH 15 4719 -40 99.16%
SLEEPWALKER EXH 15 4720 -25 99.47%
流れ星と君の歌 EXH 14 4720 -10 99.79%
嘘と接吻 EXH 13 4720 -25 99.47%
Go↓Go↑Girls&Boys! EXH 15 4721 -20 99.58%
quaver♪ EXH 16 4722 -31 99.35%