
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
XHAOS JUDGE EXH 18 7252 -261 96.53%
Wuv U(pico/ustic rmx) EXH 16 4993 -46 99.09%
Wuv U -More2 HAPPY Re-Mix Special- EXH 15 4740 -33 99.31%
Wuv U (Colorful QT3 nekomix) EXH 16 5054 -42 99.18%
World's end EXH 18 6045 -328 94.85%
World of Iris VVD 18 5368 -226 95.96%
World Vertex GRV 16 4486 -1399 76.23%
With It This Heaven? MXM 18 6924 -218 96.95%
With It This Heaven? EXH 16 4928 -36 99.27%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6742 -132 98.08%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7821 -145 98.18%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7360 -166 97.79%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 6970 -181 97.47%
Wings of Glory EXH 15 5101 -41 99.2%
White Stream MXM 18 7310 -257 96.6%
White Stream EXH 16 4903 -60 98.79%
Whip☆Drip EXH 15 4123 -19 99.54%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit MXM 18 6045 -104 98.31%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit EXH 15 4007 -36 99.11%
We Go Down EXH 15 4576 -27 99.41%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6021 -203 96.74%
WWW EXH 14 3147 -7 99.78%
WWW MXM 17 4579 -23 99.5%
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6372 -75 98.84%
WONDER_WOBBLER EXH 14 4236 -31 99.27%