
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▼ MAX- %
アライヴ MXM 16 5129 -14 99.73%
444 MXM 17 5128 -49 99.05%
VOLTEXES IV MXM 17 5127 -45 99.13%
Midnight City Warfare EXH 16 5125 -41 99.21%
好きトキメキとキス EXH 15 5122 -53 98.98%
Sweet Requiem EXH 16 5119 -33 99.36%
odds and ends GRV 17 5118 -39 99.24%
D.I.X. EXH 16 5115 -134 97.45%
Sudden Visitor EXH 15 5115 -57 98.9%
ミラクル・スイート・スイーツ・マジック!! MXM 16 5110 -26 99.49%
I Left for my Right MXM 17 5109 -52 98.99%
2 Beasts Unchained EXH 17 5108 -51 99.01%
Electric Injury EXH 16 5108 -22 99.57%
セイクリッド ルイン EXH 15 5104 -40 99.22%
Wings of Glory EXH 15 5101 -41 99.2%
Red+White=Kawaii EXH 16 5100 -73 98.59%
Lieselotte EXH 15 5100 -45 99.13%
akasha-assembly EXH 17 5099 -96 98.15%
ワヴル魔法図書館 EXH 15 5099 -94 98.19%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5096 -50 99.03%
Blue Stream MXM 17 5096 -106 97.96%
幽玄の桜 MXM 17 5094 -95 98.17%
VALKYRIE ASSAULT EXH 16 5091 -73 98.59%
Synergy For Angels MXM 17 5091 -55 98.93%
WICKeD CRφSS MXM 17 5086 -71 98.62%