
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
SuddeИDeath EXH 18 5691 -3440 62.33%
Sudden Visitor EXH 15 5115 -57 98.9%
Stylus EXH 16 4576 -56 98.79%
Stylus MXM 18 6030 -185 97.02%
Struggle for Revival EXH 15 3840 -53 98.64%
Struggle EXH 13 4116 -27 99.35%
StrayedCatz GRV 17 2875 -3196 47.36%
Stleq EXH 17 6568 -96 98.56%
Still Lonesome MXM 17 4757 -34 99.29%
Still Lonesome EXH 14 3348 -11 99.67%
Star☆Beat MXM 18 7782 -145 98.17%
Starlight Vision EXH 12 4269 -10 99.77%
Starlight Dance Floor EXH 13 3136 -23 99.27%
Staring at star EXH 17 6431 -141 97.85%
Staring at star MXM 19 7894 -331 95.98%
Stairway to the sun MXM 18 689 -5814 10.6%
Stairway to the sun EXH 16 4549 -52 98.87%
Splash Underwater MXM 17 6349 -66 98.97%
Splash Underwater EXH 14 4291 -32 99.26%
Spirit of the Beast MXM 18 6559 -134 98.0%
Spider Dance / スパイダーダンス MXM 17 3341 -3400 49.56%
Spider Dance / スパイダーダンス EXH 14 3945 -29 99.27%
Spice Road EXH 13 2940 -6 99.8%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! MXM 19 8589 -472 94.79%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! EXH 17 5918 -65 98.91%