
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▼ MAX- %
I Left for my Right EXH 15 4019 -16 99.6%
モラトリアムノオト EXH 13 4019 -6 99.85%
都会征服Girls☆ EXH 14 4018 -35 99.14%
御伽噺に幕切れを EXH 15 4016 -19 99.53%
Get out of my sight EXH 15 4011 -18 99.55%
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- EXH 14 4010 -26 99.36%
Sulk EXH 14 4008 -40 99.01%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit EXH 15 4007 -36 99.11%
will o' the wisp EXH 13 4002 -38 99.06%
PRESERVED VAMPIRE EXH 15 4000 -23 99.43%
Xepher Light and Darkness Dragon REMIX EXH 16 4000 -72 98.23%
神っぽいな MXM 17 3999 -40 99.01%
further the future EXH 15 3995 -43 98.94%
夢幻泡影 EXH 15 3994 -53 98.69%
odds and ends EXH 15 3994 -72 98.23%
Barbless Ego EXH 15 3993 -22 99.45%
天ノ弱 EXH 13 3990 -18 99.55%
Hydroblast EXH 15 3988 -53 98.69%
eXtridia EXH 15 3988 -47 98.84%
グッバイ宣言 MXM 17 3986 -1520 72.39%
ナイト・オブ・ロンド MXM 15 3985 -10 99.75%
僕らの時間 EXH 14 3984 -45 98.88%
リカーシブ・ファンクション EXH 15 3982 -29 99.28%
The Wind of Gold -HΔPPY MIX- EXH 15 3982 -54 98.66%
見世物ライフ EXH 13 3979 -13 99.67%