
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
AA BlackY mix EXH 16 4928 -155 96.95%
JǛPITΨR ♃ GЯÃVITÝ MXM 18 6798 -156 97.76%
Яe's NoVǢ MXM 18 8161 -156 98.12%
sink into the dream MXM 17 4989 -157 96.95%
werewolf howls. EXH 18 6712 -157 97.71%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6989 -159 97.78%
OZONE GRV 18 7413 -160 97.89%
Inixia GRV 17 7170 -160 97.82%
ΩVERFLOW MXM 18 7408 -161 97.87%
The EXworld of sound MXM 18 7300 -162 97.83%
Twinkle Rookie MXM 18 7556 -162 97.9%
Line 4 Ruin -kohumix- MXM 17 5731 -162 97.25%
爆烈歓迎♪エクストリーム飲茶旋風脚ッ!! MXM 18 5631 -164 97.17%
まみむめ🍄まるっと🍄まっしゅるーむ🍄🍄 MXM 18 5819 -164 97.26%
夢幻泡影 MXM 18 6347 -165 97.47%
Blessing Bouquet MXM 18 6816 -165 97.64%
Nebulas MXM 18 6543 -165 97.54%
ECHIDNA MXM 18 6267 -165 97.43%
Lowermost revolt MXM 18 6837 -165 97.64%
Royal Action MXM 17 5639 -165 97.16%
Amazing Mirage MXM 18 6508 -166 97.51%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7360 -166 97.79%
Seraphim EXH 18 6026 -166 97.32%
Undead Raving Scare EXH 17 6287 -167 97.41%
いまきみに EXH 18 6953 -167 97.65%