
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
LubedeR MXM 19 4920 -196 96.17%
APØCALYPSE RAY EXH 18 7408 -197 97.41%
2094 MXM 17 5308 -197 96.42%
Be a Hero! MXM 18 7498 -197 97.44%
ULTiMATE INFLATiON MXM 18 8448 -197 97.72%
End of Guilty MXM 18 6212 -198 96.91%
Juggler's Maddness MXM 18 8243 -198 97.65%
きたさいたま2000 EXH 18 5722 -198 96.66%
上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea Orchid Remix VVD 18 6310 -198 96.96%
Katharsis MXM 18 5952 -199 96.76%
The End of War EXH 17 6230 -199 96.9%
Turn the story MXM 18 6419 -200 96.98%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- MXM 18 8247 -200 97.63%
PSYCHO+HEROES VVD 18 6685 -201 97.08%
ドーパミン EXH 18 6814 -201 97.13%
Legendary Road MXM 18 8076 -202 97.56%
Endless GRAVITY EXH 18 5378 -202 96.38%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6021 -203 96.74%
BLISS MXM 18 7705 -204 97.42%
ENDGAME MXM 18 5962 -204 96.69%
SuperMiracleEnsemble MXM 18 6095 -204 96.76%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 EXH 18 7285 -204 97.28%
金縛りの逢を EXH 17 6168 -204 96.8%
Please Welcome Mr.C MXM 18 7188 -205 97.23%
ピアノ独奏無言歌 "灰燼" EXH 17 5875 -205 96.63%