
jam2r さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2239件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Never Regret Anything EXH 16 5146 -47 99.09%
Violet Soul EXH 16 5071 -115 97.78%
飛花落葉 EXH 14 4524 -91 98.03%
Pieces EXH 12 3350 -2 99.94%
FIRE FIRE(Kazmasa Remix) EXH 17 6304 -131 97.96%
Find the Answer EXH 12 2733 -26 99.06%
bloom EXH 13 4182 -18 99.57%
Belly Flopper EXH 15 5003 -40 99.21%
ぼくらしかしらない EXH 17 3360 -2577 56.59%
MEGANE EXH 12 3243 -19 99.42%
Rubeus EXH 17 5675 -92 98.4%
Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix) EXH 17 6605 -184 97.29%
The Sampling Paradise (N-Driver Style) EXH 16 4952 -64 98.72%
Virtual Sunrise (xac remix) EXH 15 5328 -30 99.44%
I love you even now EXH 13 3205 -58 98.22%
アルテミス EXH 13 868 -3457 20.07%
VILE CAT EXH 18 7786 -244 96.96%
shiny rainbow flower EXH 15 4664 -42 99.11%
始まりへと続く帰り道 EXH 12 3753 -15 99.6%
further the future EXH 15 3995 -43 98.94%
Attack on Dwarf EXH 14 3837 -39 98.99%
werewolf howls. EXH 18 6712 -157 97.71%
Mist Tek EXH 16 5156 -78 98.51%
Little princess has no identity. EXH 17 6009 -96 98.43%
キミヱゴサーチ EXH 11 2553 -3 99.88%