
gn_otg さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1091件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
floating girl VVD 16 4326 -32 99.27%
50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- VVD 16 4663 -189 96.1%
€omet popcorn VVD 18 7042 -18 99.75%
おはようからおやすみまでかまってポメポメ VVD 18 5731 -76 98.69%
Gimme dreamin' VVD 17 5536 -13 99.77%
PSYCHO+HEROES VVD 18 6812 -74 98.93%
Ichi-Go! DX Pancake! VVD 18 7249 -64 99.12%
floorkiller VVD 17 6529 -7 99.89%
World of Iris VVD 18 5557 -37 99.34%
Sparkling Laser Beam VVD 17 5581 -102 98.21%
Your SOUL Is Mine VVD 18 5632 -92 98.39%
夢見草奇譚 VVD 17 6025 -74 98.79%
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- VVD 16 5389 -80 98.54%
トーキョーサマーナイト VVD 16 4731 -20 99.58%
Ring!Run!Nyan!! VVD 18 7241 -92 98.75%
Hurt me plenty VVD 18 6016 -252 95.98%
Electric Injury VVD 18 6888 -43 99.38%
ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP XCD 18 6765 -200 97.13%
Invitation from Mr.C XCD 19 6693 -422 94.07%
2 MINUTES FIGHTERS XCD 19 7732 -163 97.94%
NEO GRAVITY XCD 18 6795 -295 95.84%
The Sampling Paradise (P*Light Remix) XCD 18 5442 -93 98.32%
LegenD. XCD 19 7627 -148 98.1%
The star in eclipse XCD 18 7753 -198 97.51%
Le Fruit Défendu XCD 18 7065 -42 99.41%