
kinder さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1529件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
Voltage Higher MXM 17 5864 -118 98.03%
Junk Mania MXM 17 5277 -121 97.76%
竹取飛翔 HVN 17 5890 -136 97.74%
少女暴動 EXH 17 5760 -137 97.68%
Inscape MXM 17 5875 -145 97.59%
Smoked Turkey Rag MXM 17 5718 -147 97.49%
KiLLeR MeRMaiD EXH 17 5944 -172 97.19%
FLOOR INFECTION Medley from SOUND VOLTEX×jubeat EXH 17 5776 -187 96.86%
Mist In Hell EXH 17 5371 -153 97.23%
sink into the dream MXM 17 4993 -153 97.03%
Line 4 Ruin -kohumix- MXM 17 5694 -199 96.62%
iLLness LiLin EXH 17 5404 -261 95.39%
LIKE A VAMPIRE MXM 17 5032 -131 97.46%
Innocent Tempest EXH 17 6580 -211 96.89%
Re:Rose Gun Shoooot! MXM 17 6031 -119 98.07%
Sailing Force EXH 17 5499 -144 97.45%
スーパー戦湯ババンバーン MXM 17 6004 -94 98.46%
超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで EXH 17 5810 -217 96.4%
ボルテ体操第一 EXH 17 5146 -124 97.65%
Rebellio EXH 17 6117 -210 96.68%
Fly far bounce MXM 17 4645 -110 97.69%
Carry Me Away MXM 17 5738 -138 97.65%
odds and ends GRV 17 5054 -103 98.0%
Harpuia EXH 17 5454 -239 95.8%
If MXM 17 4947 -152 97.02%