
n404 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1434件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Legendary Road MXM 18 7480 -798 90.36%
LegenD. EXH 18 7066 -339 95.42%
LegenD. XCD 19 7366 -409 94.74%
Le Fruit Défendu XCD 18 6664 -443 93.77%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ EXH 17 5079 -348 93.59%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ MXM 19 7066 -1047 87.09%
Lazurite MXM 18 6783 -491 93.25%
LastΩmegA MXM 18 6971 -442 94.04%
Last Resort EXH 17 5854 -836 87.5%
Last Resort MXM 19 8606 -646 93.02%
Last Concerto GRV 18 6091 -484 92.64%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 7544 -1242 85.86%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6383 -765 89.3%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 EXH 18 7052 -437 94.16%
Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》 GRV 20 8258 -1010 89.1%
La Nostra Storia! MXM 18 7865 -476 94.29%
LOVE TONIC MXM 18 5863 -458 92.75%
LECTORIA MXM 18 6480 -476 93.16%
L9 EXH 16 4279 -482 89.88%
L9 MXM 18 6673 -376 94.67%
Kontrol Line MXM 18 6663 -280 95.97%
Kontrol Line EXH 16 5274 -78 98.54%
Khionos TiARA MXM 18 7268 -525 93.26%
Katharsis MXM 18 5727 -424 93.11%
Katharsis EXH 16 3975 -205 95.1%