
n404 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1434件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▲ %
QQ MXM 19 7195 -479 93.76%
Ghost Trigger MXM 18 5106 -479 91.42%
Angels And Demons EXH 18 5701 -479 92.25%
The world of sound HVN 18 6999 -479 93.59%
[ ]DENTITY EXH 17 6741 -480 93.35%
Calamity Tempest EXH 17 5564 -480 92.06%
Re:Elemental Creation MXM 18 6661 -480 93.28%
To:BrandNewDeadline MXM 18 6484 -480 93.11%
{albus} EXH 17 5922 -480 92.5%
Bolérrot MXM 18 5841 -481 92.39%
ANGER of the GOD MXM 19 8243 -481 94.49%
Apocrypha MXM 17 5707 -481 92.23%
Initiating League MXM 18 6222 -482 92.81%
L9 EXH 16 4279 -482 89.88%
JǛPITΨR ♃ GЯÃVITÝ MXM 18 6471 -483 93.05%
Taiko Drum Monster MXM 18 7519 -483 93.96%
Sacrifice and Faith MXM 18 6346 -483 92.93%
KAMAITACHI MXM 18 6271 -484 92.83%
極夜、暁を望んで MXM 18 8503 -484 94.61%
A Lasting Promise MXM 19 6664 -484 93.23%
Sweet Requiem MXM 18 6897 -484 93.44%
Garakuta Doll Play EXH 17 5336 -484 91.68%
Last Concerto GRV 18 6091 -484 92.64%
PHOTON BLAXT MXM 18 5972 -485 92.49%
She is my wife EXH 16 3989 -485 89.16%