
n404 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1434件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▼ MAX- %
フリコドウル MXM 18 7824 -164 97.95%
APØCALYPSE RAY MXM 20 7823 -1310 85.66%
Bangin' Burst EXH 18 7823 -325 96.01%
R.I.P.ゴシップの海 MXM 18 7821 -428 94.81%
ΣMERGENCY CODΣ MXM 18 7808 -665 92.15%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- MXM 18 7806 -641 92.41%
ΣmbryØ EXH 18 7803 -393 95.2%
Test Flight MXM 18 7791 -566 93.23%
Failnaught MXM 19 7769 -1003 88.57%
Preserved Valkyria GRV 19 7754 -761 91.06%
Divine's:Bugscript MXM 18 7753 -624 92.55%
異次元の孤独~カナタノキミヘ~ MXM 18 7733 -506 93.86%
VΛZiLiSQ MXM 19 7732 -706 91.63%
graduation MXM 18 7687 -662 92.07%
*Feels Seasickness...* MXM 20 7673 -879 89.72%
Xroniàl Xéro MXM 19 7665 -880 89.7%
petits fours MXM 18 7659 -255 96.78%
Blastix Riotz GRV 19 7650 -621 92.49%
Call of the World MXM 18 7645 -533 93.48%
Goddess Bless you MXM 18 7635 -425 94.73%
Calamity Tempest MXM 19 7630 -959 88.83%
星の透る夏空に願う MXM 18 7625 -397 95.05%
Ambivalent Vermilia MXM 19 7617 -565 93.09%
VILE CAT EXH 18 7610 -420 94.77%
perditus†paradisus MXM 19 7606 -901 89.41%