
n404 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1434件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- MXM 19 7086 -900 88.73%
ラクガキスト VVD 19 7358 -540 93.16%
KAC 2013 ULTIMATE MEDLEY -HISTORIA SOUND VOLTEX- Empress Side MXM 19 8700 -930 90.34%
HYENA XCD 19 6607 -423 93.98%
Last Resort MXM 19 8606 -646 93.02%
A Lasting Promise MXM 19 6664 -484 93.23%
Verse IV HVN 19 7946 -970 89.12%
Dyscontrolled Galaxy MXM 19 7100 -922 88.51%
VALKYRIE ASSAULT MXM 19 6509 -370 94.62%
セイレーン ~悲壮の竪琴~ MXM 19 7967 -740 91.5%
BAYONEX MXM 19 6685 -1152 85.3%
U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?haru_naba Remix XCD 19 6727 -915 88.03%
Staring at star MXM 19 7595 -630 92.34%
Bad Elixir MXM 19 8067 -983 89.14%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ MXM 19 7544 -1242 85.86%
The Clown of 24stairs MXM 19 6621 -1250 84.12%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard MXM 19 7989 -404 95.19%
ディスコルディア MXM 19 7599 -947 88.92%
voltississimo MXM 19 8307 -812 91.1%
Reverenced Flower MXM 19 8309 -1096 88.35%
XROSS INFECTION GRV 19 6620 -448 93.66%
Trill auf G MXM 19 8252 -556 93.69%
snow storm -euphoria- GRV 19 6650 -701 90.46%
θコトノハθカプセルθ MXM 19 7556 -989 88.43%
Quietus Ray HVN 19 7912 -927 89.51%