
n404 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1434件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
All We Need is HAPPY END!!! MXM 19 6321 -747 89.43%
All We Need is HAPPY END!!! EXH 17 5145 -266 95.08%
All Clear!! MXM 17 5588 -388 93.51%
Aliquam EXH 17 4261 -867 83.09%
Akzeriyyuth MXM 18 5885 -337 94.58%
Air MXM 18 7072 -767 90.22%
Aftermath MXM 17 6782 -288 95.93%
Aerial Fortress MXM 18 7073 -720 90.76%
Across the Starlight MXM 18 6035 -672 89.98%
Across the Starlight EXH 16 4383 -306 93.47%
Absurd Gaff (Metallize Remix) MXM 19 7121 -607 92.15%
Absurd Gaff (Metallize Remix) EXH 17 5488 -144 97.44%
Absurd Gaff EXH 16 4463 -525 89.47%
Absurd Gaff GRV 18 5591 -493 91.9%
Absolute Domination EXH 17 5750 -245 95.91%
Absolute Domination MXM 19 6918 -878 88.74%
AYAKASHI EXH 17 6210 -35 99.44%
AXION MXM 17 4801 -268 94.71%
ARROW RAIN feat. ayame MXM 18 6412 -325 95.18%
ARROW RAIN feat. ayame EXH 16 5367 -108 98.03%
APØCALYPSE RAY EXH 18 7178 -427 94.39%
APØCALYPSE RAY MXM 20 7823 -1310 85.66%
ANGER of the GOD EXH 17 7176 -152 97.93%
ANGER of the GOD MXM 19 8243 -481 94.49%
ALTONA GRV 18 6017 -278 95.58%