
chocomint さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 626件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
waxing and wanding EXH 16 4769 -189 96.19%
Souhait bleu EXH 16 4969 -182 96.47%
Turn the story EXH 16 4033 -560 87.81%
Angelic Jelly EXH 16 4670 -195 95.99%
Believe In Yourself EXH 16 4457 -132 97.12%
ancient garden EXH 16 3580 -325 91.68%
Din Don Dan (Fusion Remix) EXH 16 4379 -649 87.09%
Sounds Of Summer EXH 16 4728 -643 88.03%
六兆年と一夜物語 INF 16 4790 -307 93.98%
月下の舞兎祭 MXM 17 4526 -512 89.84%
HEAVENLY SMILE MXM 17 5148 -654 88.73%
FREEDOM DiVE EXH 17 6789 -378 94.73%
Made In Love MXM 17 6136 -473 92.84%
Liévre -blanche- MXM 17 5037 -308 94.24%
ポラリスノウタ MXM 17 4974 -322 93.92%
Chocolate Planet MXM 17 5776 -200 96.65%
Invisible Bullets MXM 17 5274 -258 95.34%
Dharma MXM 17 4845 -516 90.37%
Heavenly Adventure MXM 17 4806 -441 91.6%
焔 -MAGMA- MXM 17 5880 -673 89.73%
Blue Forest(NightBounce Remix) MXM 17 4390 -246 94.69%
逆月 EXH 17 5371 -286 94.94%
機械仕掛けの魔法使い MXM 17 4279 -720 85.6%
インビジブル MXM 17 5519 -411 93.07%
JULIAN MXM 17 4785 -371 92.8%